Fortesses of Ancient Astronauts
Giza, EgyptXian, China
Teotihuacan, Mexico
Pyramid Energy

Pyramid Energy
Batteries of Ancient Astronauts
A mysterious phenomenon of pyramids
with stunning similarity to Egypt and America
designed to harness the Earth's magnetic field.

Considered to be a kooky, eclectic genre of new age pseudo-science,
those who investigate the phenomena are often taken less than seriously
~ but this simple geometric shape has been proven to focus amazing energies.

A razor blade, used regularly, stored under a pyramid, exactly aligned to true north,
will maintain its sharpness for years, instead of weeks, under this simplest of shelters.

 Pyramid Energy Kit

 Modern Frame Pyramid

Giza, EgyptXian, China
Teotihuacan, Mexico
Pyramid Energy


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