rhymes with - Special Operative to Hyperspace Erasers

~ Buddies ~
Life Long Pals of the Mighty One
 - buddies -

 - dialogues -
 - a truly groovy guestbook experience, really -

 - Princess Leia is a Groovy Poochie -
~ Princess Leia ~
Princess Leia Organa Nervosa the Mellow, as she is more properly called, is my furry friend. The poochie extraordinaire, cuddly pookie-pie, and loveable little furball - and yes, the force is with her =oP
She is so mellow. She like never barks. Well, maybe at the door a little bit, n if ye play with her enough. But she was recently left with friends while I went on a weekend trip - the other dogs were kinda hyper poodle types, and she was amazed with their apparent unwarranted enthusiasm.

She is apparently a Pekinese and Spaniel mix, and was judged to be almost a year old or so, by the vets, when we got her, in August of 1997 - so that makes her almost 6 and a half now (as of November 2002) - or, for those of you who are septadigitally challenged, that's 45 in dog years - but she still has the heart, legs and smile of a spunky little kid ;o)

We got her at the pound, which is the best place to get dogs, btw (or rescuing one from that depressing destination), as they were about to put her to sleep the next day. She had just given birth to a litter of pups (all of which were put to sleep the day before), and had the operation - that is, she's fixed =o�

When I first saw her, I had to turn away - cuz she''s so cute, but I thought she might be too big for our apartment, or grow to be. I started lookin at these two little miniature mutt poodles, in the next cage over, kinda just like our other dog who had recently passed on of old age. I wanted to get them both - poor things, all of em: bellies up, fresh stitches drying in the stale air - but we couldn't afford em both. Shit, I wanted to get all three. As I was preparing my "pro" argument for getting two smaller dogs, it turns out, our little Princess was already fully grown already n just under the weight limit of our complex. A short while later, as I was walking my new furry friend, I noticed a few people moved in with some big old dogs - shepherds, dalmations, you name it ..... =oP

She had already been named Princess, by her previous owners - but we turned it into Princess Leia the first day we got her. Still, we tend to call her just Princess anyways - or Poochie, Petunia, etc - but she also answers to that particular friendly yet summoning tone in the voice, so we can pretty much call her anything ;o)

We heard from the vets that her original owner had abandoned her once she became pregnant - and, I imagine, they mistreated her somewhat too, which totally sux, but we're takin good care of her now =o)

When we first got her, she was understandably withdrawn and very shy. I pet her on the sofa for hours and played with her some, but she just wouldn't bark. Only after I gave her a bath and she ran around the apartment with her hair still mostly wet, did she feel free enough to let one go. To this day, she seldom barks - only at potential intruders, like when there's a knock at the door - or when she's really happy and excited - or, my favorite trick, when I move in slow motion for her - it drives her absolutely nutso ;o)

She loves squeeky toys - especially those little fuzzy squeeky balls with squeekers inside, that make happy little noizes when chewed down upon. Her first squeeky toy was white, kinda of wolly fabric outside, and shaped like a little bone (see photo). I think she musta had a kinda maternal affection towards it, because it looked so much like a puppy. It still makes me sad to even think about it - but we've since moved her on to more advanced squeekies =o)

I think her favorite thing to do in the world is to play Furball - an, at times, full contact sport that we mutually invented - which basically entails me kicking one of them across the floor, and then another, and then another - you get the idea ;o)

She has lotsa friends in the neighborhood - fellow apartment poochies, which she sees on daily walks around the complex, and up in the wooded neighborhood. Our neighbors that we know real well have two little doggies, and we go over there sometimes n let em all run around the apartment together =oP

After daily walks, she likes a treat - an Alpo doggie cookie of some snackity sort or another, we get beef n bacon flavor for her - a Scooby Snack for the road weary poochie. We are teaching her to sit up and stand, and even dance a little, but all attempts at getting her to "speak" have utterly failed. That's OK with me tho - she can talk, or not, whenever she wants to - n she does too. On the rare occasion that we make it known that it's time for a walk - n take a little too long gettin ready with the coats, shoes n lockin up, etc - "ow-ooo" means "out" - as in "NOW already" ;o)

Oh, and here's a helpful tip - every successful homepage hasta have pix of yer pets - n many long paragraphs all about em =o)


 - p a u l -
Paul is a bud of mine from way back.
He went to high school with some dudes
who were in a band with some buds o mine
- n we almost formed a wannabee supergroup
made up of roadies n groupies n dudes next door
- but such was not to be ;o)
He's into Zappa, plays drums n is jus too goddam tall
- also digs Alice Cooper n thinks Lost in Space is cool.
We were even in a garage band, for about a month or so
- yeah, it was the summer of 89.
In 97, dude talked me into gettin a Dell (thank god)
- n outta gettin another one for 03 (so wise) ;o)

 - m a t t l e y -  - m a t t l e y -  - m a t t l e y -
 - m a t t l e y -  - m a t t l e y -  - m a t t l e y -
 - m a t t l e y -  - m a t t l e y -  - m a t t l e y -
This dude I met my senior year, in 85
(new high school, he'd already graduated)
n we went to electronic school together in 87
- but it never did either one of us any much good.
We worked at an auto factory once, for awhile
puttin bumpers on Dodge Ram trucks, as temps
n I roadied n ran lights for his band Hunky Dory in 88.
Mission Lesson - you know.
Mattley is jus simply the best bass player I ever seen
- well, ever met anyways - OK, ever personaly known.
Dude was always in a kick ass band
n now works for The Mouse out in LA.
Can't stand it when I talk about original material.
This pic here is him jammin with Slack Babbath
- an LA based Black Sabbath Tribute band, eh?
(but he's not really a freak)
They always said he'd be the one to make it
- n outta everyone I still know, n talk to etc
he's the one with his shit most together.
In his old age, he's investing in tech stocks n land
n he's adopted the McCartney approach to bass
- held up high, n played with a pick no less ;o)
 - m a t t l e y -
PCH North

 - The Funky HUNKY DORY Story -
 - The Funky HUNKY DORY Story -
3.38 MB
Skrew U Up
3.38 MB
2.32 MB
So Good
3.13 MB
Hunky Dory was: Guitar Jac, Floor Tom, Drum Mike and Welcome Mattley. Somewhere between hair bands and the alternative grunge generation, boogie blues met classic rock - in the late 80s, just when Detroit needed it most. Almost signed to a major label, they were the greatest band that never was ~ n I was their roadie. Check out the Official Site The Funky Hunky Dory Story - sound files posted elsewhere.
3.05 MB
Puttin` on
the Moves
2.91 MB
Rock Asylum

I met Tommy Rock back in 85
when he sang n played guitar
for the legendary Out of Hand Band
n later fronted for Hunky Dory, abnoxiously
(he moved to Detroit for the music scene).
He moved out to LA for awhile
(where I crashed on his couch)
- n even to Vegas for a bit, jammin.
Now he moved back home to Hot Springs, Ark
got a buncha kids n blew up n out all spherical
but still jams in at least one band, the planet ;o)
Check out the site I did for em
 - r o q -

 - d u s t y -
I met Dusty in a Star Trek chatroom n started talkin about music.
Next thing I know, he's me biggest fan n a budding lead guitarist to boot.
So he started takin online lessons from Tom, n gettin into Shadows tunes too.
Now, a pretty respectable songwriter in his own right - he's definitely in the band, eh?
In his spare time he enjoys comprehending Linux n tutoring me on how computers work. ;o)
 - USS Sitting Duck -

The Dark Side
What can I say about Smeg?
What does one dare? ... well ...
I met Andre in a Star Trek chatroom
n he's saved my computer so many times
- to me, he's known as The Miracle Worker ;o)
This man has fixed my computer so many times
by remote control, over the phone, or sheer divination
no one really wonders anymore that he's Scotty's ancestor
- he's just accepted as the true inventor of transparent aluminum.
Although his character was officially killed off in glorious battle,
the spirit of TKO, The Kilted One, lives on among us eternally.
 - s m e g -  - s m e g -

Originally from Lebanon
          he lives in Sydney, Australia          
- which instantly makes him the most interesting person I've ever met.
We've chatted online almost constantly for years now, about almost everything
- n he's been a infinite source of encouragement regarding all things Dudeman n Shadows.
While sporadically pursuing a multimedia degree, he works the phones as an MS tech support dude ;o)

~ The Proverbial Shadows Annex ~
s   h   a   d   o   w   s   a   r   t
Led Zeppelin Lyrics Zone
E m p a t h i c   M P 3 s
Z o i d ~ Z a m
Hunky Dory
d = = p
To better realize what true eternal proverbience . . . . .
. . . . .really might one day potentially be ?
Website  MP3s
Rainbow Dolphin Vol. 1
Spacedog Vol. 2
Alliance Vol. 3
Purple Poem Vol. 4
Planet Zeebo Vol. 5
FIRE Vol. 6
2000 Martians Vol. 7
Astra Vol. 8
Manya Vol. 9
Cuz-Bro Vol. 10
FOOF Vol. 11
Dragons Vol. 12

between darkenss n light
you have found us dreaming
a zoomin groovin longhaired hippie
iconic underground progressive art rock
cosmic bluesy jam band from outer space !!!!!

light n heavy ~ covers n originals ~ live n in the studio

 - shadows ~ a zoomin' band -

 - shadows ~ a zoomin' band  -