knows it rhymes with - Some People are Even Crazier

~ Humanity ~
Silly Human, Silly Human Race

Silly Human Race
- aliens -

The Fruit of All Evil

It has been said that money is the root of all evil. But more correctly, perhaps, money is the fruit of all evil. Money is like an ointment: that placates, and yet worsens, a festering wound - upon society (and upon our species) which affects most people; that some (or many, or most) will not do their fair share, to benefit their society, or their neighbors, or themselves. This is selfishness, pure and simple - and money has appointed itself the cure. But money is a dictatorial physician (disguised as a stern parent). Money rewards only those who handle it expertly - and punishes those who prefer another lover.

It forces people to work to survive; trading the unfair market value of their labor, product or skill in order to provide for themselves the bare necessities of life: food, shelter, clothing, heat, security and medicine - and those considered fortunate may afford luxuries: such as comfort, education, recreation and opportunity. But how poor is a country, when such things are considered luxuries; and advancement is dependent on the accumulation of such luxuries, which is often dependent on the subjugation of one's neighbor?

Most CEOs would not be billionaires if their employees received fair wages. But then, most workers would be able to afford to send their children to college - and the next generation would be more educated, more independent and less inclined to work in a factory. Fewer peasants, less need for money.

In most early cultures, a currency is set in place, to substitute for barter: yet most remain impoverished, due to their skills' relative market inequality; which socially imprints as inadequacy, impotence, insolubility - projecting outwardly (and inwardly) as unimportant, unworthy, unsafe. And as one's personal value becomes thus aligned with that of their contribution, determining how much one benefits from civilization, and even just the necessities of life: eventually, later generations become even less able, comfortable, healthy, happy; an individual's status becoming more reflective of ancestry than their humanity, or even ability.

We are not the only species to enslave one another - nor are we unique in constructing a complex society. It seems an element of evolution that we should organize ourselves, and each other, in such a way that our species survives - or else it doesn't. And as our species acquires further sentience, our last great acts of predatory and self-predatory behavior become gradually more conscious, and are tapered thusly. If the most recent teach us conservation, perhaps the next great lesson will be diplomacy.

As we mature from a species that rends all others asunder and extinct, to true caretakers of this world, responsible to future generations, ever closer to that gentle wisdom and kindness, which most believe God to be; perhaps our greatest first responsibility and obstacle to overcome will be to those who are still superstitious, greedy or malicious - their ways are horribly wrong, and will lead only to the grave. Society must be protected from that if it is to survive.

Diligence is required. Awareness is essential. Wisdom is crucial. Do not be like the early Christians, who cried tears of joy while being devoured by Roman lions; or the Roman Catholic Church who burned Bruno at the stake and imprisoned Galileo - forcing him to publicly retract his scientific findings: the simple scandal that the Earth revolves around the Sun and Jupiter has moons. The telescope, a child's toy turned simple tool (once pointed upward), brought fear to the seats of power. They were loathe to amend their understanding of this world. They were afraid to change their understanding of God. They worried that their political power would diminish - and that the peasants would begin to think for themselves. They worried that the people would develop their own understanding of God - and see that it had nothing to do with mindless subservience to pompous authority. To them, nations were filled with slaves - and poverty was their favorite yoke.

Our emergence from the Dark Ages would have been shorter and far less bloody, were it not for such dictators, however well dressed or respected by the people. These self-appointed rulers, and their pawns, are remnants of our barbaric prehistory - when cavemen settled petty disputes with rocks and clubs; next came arrows and swords, then guns and bombs. Perhaps radiation, lasers and germ warfare will be among the final tools we use to finish each other off. Yet we are a peaceful people, generally; if we can just get over being so selfish - and gullible.

Today, even though we clearly have means to feed and house the impoverished of the world, the wealthy live in obscene comfort, compared to the soul-ripping poverty afflicting most. One particularly ridiculous assumption is that the poor deserve their fate, for being lazy. We claim to be enlightened, yet we are destroying ourselves and billions of innocents around the world: Pollution has altered the global climate - only the seriously misguided still dare argue against that. Sunblock, anyone?

We seem to have learned from many of our past mistakes. Through Renaissance and great Revolutions, we the people have (in theory) appointed ourselves - and become more free to develop great technological advances: in medicine, electricity and global communication - we have been to the moon and back. We should learn from our past success. For why else would God create such possibilities? Perhaps it is an opportunity for us to learn and grow - He wants us to not only survive, but expand in number and be responsible for and look after one another. And perhaps one day, far off into the future, dare to more fully understand the universe that He created. It is a long road: one that requires patience and understanding - understanding the difference between what is and what is not. But it requires an open mind, because most things have been right in front of us all along. Perhaps the first question we must ask ourselves is: How can curiosity offend God? We will already be seen by future generations as primitive - let us not also be considered fools.

Today, it is known that: Stem Cell Research can cure many diseases and make the paralyzed walk again. To prohibit this is a waste of this new knowledge that God has given us. But the very forces that fill coffers and campaign war-chests, that pray for and play on blind faith, and feed fears of a vengeful deity, have accumulated their vast wealth by selling, at inflated prices, obsolete medicine to the sick, which are increasing in number. They would go out of business if people were to wake up, if science were to progress - thus, there is blood on that money, and on the hands of all who support them. But greater still is the loss to our future generations, who may need that forbidden knowledge to be well established by then, in order to find the next salvation, over the next hill: to plant the next flag; heal the next wound. We must stand upon each other's shoulders, or we will eventually drown in our own blood, sweat and tears.

Over the last century, corporations have taken over the planet - and in the process, for the sake of profit, polluted the water, the land and the very air we breathe. Stealing an average day's wage from them will land you in jail, yet they boldly steal from everybody and continue unpunished. Everybody knows burning oil is bad - and most people have heard by now that, within our lifetimes, we will all but run out. Solar power, wind power and fuel cells are better - and cleaner - but they do not pay continual dividends to utility companies. Someone has yet to figure out how to charge money for fresh air and sunshine. Perhaps it will be easier when such commodities are in scarce supply.

It is said that God does not want us to be afraid - that He is a God of Love. It is said that God hates ignorance - but maybe God hates nothing; yet rewards the opposite of ignorance with continued survival. This phenomenon, scientists refer to as Natural Selection - but Creationists refuse to listen: they want to silence the wise. These people should not be in charge of anything; they are not even in charge of their own minds. This is not the way of God, but it is exactly how a devil would conquer a gullible people - by convincing them that there is no truth to behold; and that the studious, the conscientious, are insane.

There are still those who believe that the world is flat, and fossils were placed in the ground by God to test our faith in a cryptic scripture. But investigation of nature has revealed what killed the dinosaurs; and that one day, we will all surely share a similar fate, if we're still around - or we can embrace science for a solution. It was not the devil who showed us that, but people; who used the brains that God gave them. And if we are to continue at all, it will be down the path that God has laid out for us, and begged us at every turn to follow: wisdom.

Money, on the other hand - well, it's easy.

Good morning.
Choose your fate.

It is short-sighted,
and therefore the mark of a primitive society,
to imagine itself to be highly evolved.

I am not an elitist:
I am a fervent supporter of Human rights
however, evil people should be forbidden any power
- and stupid people should never be allowed 
anywhere near something so dangerous.

Let's have two governments
- most of the country is split up into one faction or another already.
Let's have one with civil rights, free health care, free world class education
- and one where a scant few officials are appointed by corporations.
Let's have one where people are respected on their merits and freedom is sacred
- and one where authority is never questioned and burning the flag is a capital offense
Let's have one where religion, sexuality and one's carreer is a personal choice
- and one where God and country are the only permissable allegiances.

OK, fine.
How do we divvy up the land?
The former would probably do well wherever it lands
- until the latter became jealous and unleashed nuclear devastation.

Well, the former does happen to happily provide for the existence of the latter
- even defending such radical, inhumane and unpatriotic points of view, as point of law.
Maybe that's the problem.


Patriotism - be worthy of it.

"It is the mark of a primitive society
to imagine itself to be highly evolved."
Individual talents, and the occupations we choose in life,
are determined by the prominent layout of our brains.
Plot of Humanity
Right Brain, Creativity (white) - (blue) Logic, Left Brain
How we percieve ourselves, and each other, in society,
is a direct reflection of our perspective within this matrix.
Our attitudes toward each other, socially and psychologically,
may be said to be based on the dynamics between each sector.
"Until you've lost your reputation,
you never realize what a burden it was
or what freedom really is." ~ Margaret Mitchell


Some differences between the poor, middle class and wealthy,
according to the "Understanding Poverty" a workbook by Ruby K. Payne

  • The driving forces for decision-making are survival, relationships and entertainment.
  • Food is valued for its quantity.
  • People are possessions. A relationship is valued over achievement. You must defend your child no matter what he or she has done. Too much education is feared because the individual might leave.
  • "The World" is defined in local terms.
  • Physical fighting is how conflict is resolved. If you only know casual register, you do not have the words to negotiate a resolution. Respect is accorded to who can physically defend themselves.

  • The driving forces for decision-making are work and achievement.
  • Food is valued for its quality.
  • Things are possessions. If material security is threatened, often the relationship is broken.
  • "The World" is defined in national terms. The national news is watched; travel tends to be within the nation.
  • Fighting is done verbally. Physical fighting is viewed with distaste.

  • The driving forces for decision-making are social, financial and political connections.
  • Food is valued for its presentation.
  • Legacies, one-of-a-kind objects, and pedigrees are possessions.
  • "The World" is defined in international terms.
  • Fighting is done through social inclusion/exclusion and through lawyers.

once upon a time, humanity was split into two factions: those who liked sex, and those who liked violence - n while there were certainly those who were into both, most of the political power was split between those who appreciated one and abhored the other

the conflict waged on for ages - n while the proponents of violence intimidated the lovers of sex, there eventually grew to be more of the latter (as those with violent tendancies tended to kill each other off more n reproduce less) - n both sides filled the media with images and stories furthering their own cause - however, this only seemed to expand the factions that were either into or opposed to both

and then one day, a cold wind blew - n all the people who were into sex stayed home n enjoyed each other, thoroughly, whilst the violent tribe voted themselves a new leader who vowed to destroy the other side - thus, the violent caste captured the hearts n minds of the religious; n hence, most of their political power, as well - although the world's religions were mostly about love, their imagery seemed more preoccupied with death, n shunned sex (as the early religious leaders did not want the pagan converts to overpopulate until they had been entirely converted, n their contries conquered) - but occasionally, some from deeply religious familes would migrate to the sexual society: first psychologically, then physically - however, this was considered blasphemy, n most of the particular behaviors involved had been outlawed for aeons (although in the light of a more modern reason, few could well define specific flaws associated with these behaviors, that most people could follow, much less agree on; or truly believed there was anything really wrong with them) - still, a significant number of the society's prisoners were convicted of love seeking crimes, yet were held in the same facilities as some of the more violent offenders: leaving them with the choice of either converting to violence, or becoming its victim

in the last days, some on the sex side had been converted from the violent side, but were too rough around the edges to advance very high in sexual society (or become readily accepted); n too torn or internally devoted to feelings of false honor n loyalty to organize n effectively defend the sexuals against the violents, their former faction - so most went into hiding, or fell back into convenient casual disguise, effectively hiding the numbers of the sex party - yay, tho this effect was only temporary, as they were too afraid to speak their minds to the revisited violent elders among them; and their offspring were converted back into violence, n all among them began to fear the sex party for the spread of disease; as well as the loss of their immortal soul thru eternal damnation, as religion made the elders seem wise - thus the parents of the new generation fell back into the old habits of their youth (being well established in their psyche), n generally saw nothing wrong with attending traditional bloodthirsty gatherings: such as sporting events, where many of the participants often died, often enough at the hands of their opponents (which many on the sex side proclaimed was the only reason anyone ever went to these gatherings in the first place)

meanwhile, many of the so-called sex scene grew weary, n bored with each other; n sought out new n more interesting ways to spend their days, most of them naked - the most popular direction was to inflict pain unto each other: whether it be slight hints of suffering, with hot candle wax; or full-on sado-massochism with whips n chains n leather bondage n body piercing - thus, a third sector emerged, which was heavily into both sex and violence - n then a fourth, which proclaimed total abstinence was the only civilized behavior - this only proliferated the laws against specific practices of each faction; n both the sex and violence sides began to feel outnumbered, n their influence waned: with the only total abstainers having any moral immunity in the light of new propaganda; leaving only the mutual practitioners with any real freedom (which, as it turned out, was the last group of people you wanted running amok)

as time passed, children of disfunctional families often rebelled and migrated to opposing factions; adopting their music, mannerisms n mode of dress, in an attempt to become closer to their parents: which confused everybody, much to the glee of the alien overlords, who had been taking more of a "divide and conquer" approach for some time, since the indigenous population had begun to vastly outnumber theirs, n it was clear that the species in question had yet to settle on one or the other extreme

at a certain point of critical mass, an equation was calculated n a decision was made - the aliens abandoned their experiment, removed their equipment n fled their outposts - then the asteroid hit, wiping out all civilization, thrusting humanity back into the stone age; their collective survival depending on each individual's proficiency in both survival skills - thank god we got it right this time, eh?


Very interesting. 

Just 3 questions 
and the answers will surprise you. 

Do not cheat by looking up the answers. 

The mind is like a parachute, 
it works best when it is opened. 

This is fun to do, 
but you have to follow the instructions 
very closely. 

Do not cheat.

(Scroll down for each instruction)


A Warning! 
Answer the questions as you go along.

There are only 3 questions 
and if you see them all before finishing, 
you will not have honest results. 

Go down slowly 
and do each exercise 
as you scroll down. 

Don't look ahead. 

Get pencil and paper 
(or something similar, notepad etc)
to write your answers as you go along. 
You will need it at the end. 

This is an honest questionnaire 
which will tell you a lot 
about your true self. 

Give an answer for each item.

Put the following 5 animals 
in the order of your preference. 

Cow Tiger Sheep Horse Pig

Write one word 
that describes 
each one of the following:

Dog Cat Rat Coffee Sea

Think of someone 
(who also knows you 
and is important to you) 
that you can relate them 
to the following colors 
(do not repeat your answer twice).

Name just one person for each color.

Yellow Orange Red White Green


Please be sure that your answers 
are what you REALLY WANT.

Look at the interpretations below: 
(but first before continuing, repeat your wish).

This will define your priorities in your life.

Cow Signifies CAREER

Tiger Signifies PRIDE

Sheep Signifies LOVE

Horse Signifies FAMILY

Pig Signifies MONEY

Your description of dog 
implies your own personality.

Your description of cat 
implies the personality of your partner. 

Your description of rat 
implies the personality of your enemies. 

Your description of coffee 
is how you interpret sex. 

Your description of the sea 
implies your own life.

Someone you will never forget

Someone you consider your true friend

Someone that you really love

Your twin soul

Someone that you will remember 
for the rest of your life

All People Over 25 Should Be Dead:
To The Survivors
According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's probably shouldn't have survived.

Our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paint. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets. (Not to mention the risks we took hitchhiking.)

As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat.

We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. Horrors! We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle, and no one actually died from this.

We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, and drank soda pop with sugar in it,but we were never overweight because we were always outside playing. We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the street lights came on. No one was able to reach us all day.

We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then rode down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem.

No cell phones. Unthinkable. Soup cans, clothesline and two buttons were our secret "kids only" telephone communication (that our parents helped us make), and for some reason seemed to work best when one end was in the treehouse, accessable only via rope ladder. Some rich kids had walkie-talkies - which ran on a single 9-volt battery, but lasted maybe one summer. As teenagers, we taped songs off the radio, and no one ever worried about being sure by record companies.

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo 64, X-Boxes, no video games at all, no 99 channels on cable, video tape movies, DVDs, surround sound, personal cell phones, pagers, personal computers, or Internet chat rooms. We had friends! We went outside and found them.

Playgrounds were dangerous by today's standards - monkey bars made of pipe, anchored into the blacktop with cement. We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones and teeth,and there were no lawsuits from these accidents.

Swimming pools had deep ends, diving boards and sometimes even lifeguards - who were really just neighborhood college kids, home for the summer, making minimum wage; and it was possible for them to have a life on what they made, and even save some.

We made up games with sticks and tennis balls and ate worms, and although we were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes, nor did the worms live inside us forever.

We rode bikes or walked to a friend's home and knocked on the door, or rang the bell or just walked in and talked to them.

Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment.

The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law. Imagine that!

This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers and problem solvers and inventors, ever. The past 50 years have been an explosion full of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all. And you're one of them!

Congratulations. Please pass this on to others who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before lawyers and government regulated our lives, for our own good.

Kind of makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn't it?!!

 - planet earth -
"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who
determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether
it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce
the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg Trials
Why I'm Oddly In Favor of War, In This Case

February 27, 2003 - 5:30 AM EST

i have tried to speak clearly, in case english is not your first language - perhaps my views are not the norm, or widely held, or would seem to be if you watch tv, but cnn is not always a proper window on to the world, and most polls are slanted and misleading - these are complex issues requiring more than a simple solution - i believe the ideal of almost everyone in this world is to have all bad guys everywhere completely out of power - then we can get to work on feeding and clothing and educating everybody - we have the technology, now all we need is a consensus

. . . . .

it is widely assumed that, as a world leader in the area of personal freedom, the west holds a certain responsiblity to stamp out oppression wherever possible - and we do have the means - but as a nation, we are fairly isolationist - the rest of the world seems so backward from our air conditioned condos, way on the opposite side of the planet - only 30 years ago, if my neighbor beat his wife n kids, the prevailing shoulder would scream it's none of my business - today, not so much - today, i would feel as if my in-action contributed to every scream i heard coming from over the fence - now, if today, my neighbor kept slaves, something that is illegal in this country, society would label me a contributor if i were to tolerate it - there are reasons why it is illegal to not report a murder: society needs to be protected from murderers - murder needs to be discouraged - if my apartment building has a break in, and i see the burglar, and do not report it to the police, it is partially my own fault if i get burglarized myself, and probably only a matter of time anyways

see, what i'm saying is: that this world is not as big as it may seem to some of the 3rd world isolationist states - especially the more religious ones - these books preach peace, yet there is active oppression (especially the more religious ones) - each book sez yer not allowed to be evil, n yer sposed to fight evil - some see the west as evil, n there are some seriously greedy western capitalists who have severely pillaged on global scales, but they are not the west - we do not recognize them as our representatives - hell, we're oppressed by them ourselves - thing is, we western people want to live in peace with all people of the world - personally, the only dotted line i draw in any sandbox to seperate me from others, seperates me only from those who oppress others (ie, are evil), n i think most people worldwide feel this way as well - the trouble is, most social decisions are made by a select wealthy and powerful few, who are more concerned with destroying the competition or opposition, to maintain their control and status as leader (ie, wealthy isolationist)

hitler exterminated millions of people - not the highest body count, mind you, but perhaps the most famous - had someone gone in and done something earlier, those people's decendants would be alive today - and what a richer world it would be for their presence - so, it's not about killing those who disagree with you, it's about killing those who kill those who disagree with them, before they kill everybody on the planet - we, as humans, have a responsibility to the rest of humanity - the bad guys have killed too many of the rest of us already - ideally they should be stopped completely, but we will do what we can when we can get to it, and doing nothing is completely out of the question

now, no one wants war, except a warmonger - but as long as there are warmongers, there will be war - and learning from history, there having been a few wars recently, it is the next logical step to be prepared to avoid any mistakes of the past, especially the big ones - we know what a rising warlike regime looks like - the trouble is, most of the peasants in those countries don't know what a peaceful superpower looks like, and instead are being told the west is the worst tower of slime ever dreamed of in revelations (and that the time of armageddon is at hand, rise up now if you want to go to heaven) - well, yes, enron is bad, n a few hundred other greedy corporations kinda suck as well, but they're not murdering thousands n millions of innocent civilians - they just rip people off - don't worry, they're bad guys too, they made the list, no one likes them really all that much either, but stopping mass murder is a little more important right now

france and germany (ironically, the epicenter of ww2) don't have the security today to dare take the us-uk side in all of this - they know they are wide open to terrorism (911 can be seen as a policy retaliation), and don't want to antagonize any bad guys out there - besides, their people would not stand for such security measures, if they had the means

maybe iraq is all about oil (yes, the politics of the 80s and 90s were written by 3rd generation robberbarons), but that doesn't mean saddam gets to keep on mass murdering from his dictatorial seat (it only means he's the one we'll get to first) - it goes against the spirit of all international law to allow this man to stay in power - and besides, it is unwise - the world cannot be so stupid and blind, after all we have seen in the last 150 years, to let people like this continue to rule

now, ok, north korea is arguably even worse, but they kinda have china backin em up, n they're not so groovy either - africa has a dozen or so odd fascists running mad, but there's no real way to stop any of that (it's too easy to become a bad king there) - even isreal is extremely guilty in its treatment of its neighbors, but if the west abandoned them, they wouldn't last the week, and there goes any chance of peace or stability for the entire region for several generations ... when it sometimes almost looks like it could possibly mellow out?

bottom line:
it is a primitive planet n atrocities abound
- get used to it - but doesn't mean you have to stand for it

don't get me wrong - i'm not a warmonger
- i'm simply all for ousting any illegitimate administration =oP

what's wrong with the world is:
there's so many people who have no idea
that their behavior is unacceptable,
n far too many people who have no idea
that their behavior is unforgivable
~ this is why i have decided
to rent out my section
n migrate elsewhere ;o)
- windy elemental sensation - - peace in flight -

- total toplessness -
- musical spheres -
two things to remember 
about the human species

  1. MEN as long as ye have sex with em every day, they'll pretty much do anything ye want - n never even notice they're slaves (unless yer into that sorta thing)
  2. WOMEN hurt a woman's feelings - n she'll kill you n be very proud n brag on it

 This will enable you to really count your blessings!
 If Earth's population was shrunk into a village of just 100 people 
 -- with all the human ratios existing in the world still remaining
 -- what would this tiny, diverse village look like?

 This is what we found.
 57 would be Asian
 21 would be European
 14 would be from the Western Hemisphere
 8 would be African

 52 would be female
 48 would be male

 70 would be nonwhite
 30 would be white

 70 would be non-Christian
 30 would be Christian

 89 would be heterosexual
 11 would be homosexual

 6 people would possess 59 percent of the entire world's wealth,
   and all 6 would be from the United States.
 80 would live in substandard housing
 70 would be unable to read
 50 would suffer from malnutrition
 1 would be near death
 1 would be pregnant
 1 would have a college education
 1 would own a computer

The following is an anonymous interpretation:
Think of it this way. If you live in a good home, 
 have plenty to eat and can read, 
 you are a member of a very select group.
And if you have a good house, food, 
 can read and have a computer, 
 you are among the very elite.

If you woke up this morning
 with more health than illness...
 you are far more fortunate than 
 the million who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, 
 the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture,
 the pangs of starvation, or the hopelessness of disease... 
 you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can attend a church meeting without fear of 
 harassment, arrest, torture, or death... you are fortunate
 - more than three billion people in the world can't.

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, 
 a roof overhead and a place to sleep...
 you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, 
 and spare change in a dish someplace...
 you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If your parents are still alive and still married...
 you are very rare, even in the United States.

If you hold up your head, 
 with a smile on your face and are truly thankful... 
 you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

If you can hold someone's hand, 
 hug them or even touch them on the shoulder... 
 you are blessed because you can offer a healing touch.

If you can read this message, 
 you just received a double blessing 
 in that someone was thinking of you, 
 and furthermore, you are more blessed 
 than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.  

Have a good day, count your blessings, and pass this along 
 to remind everyone else how blessed we all are.

Depth of Perception
How deep are you ?

Ankle Deep
Extremely shallow. The highest state of depth these people can achieve is in working some sort of "angle" - that is, they have an idea on how to get ahead in the world, but it involves something clandestine, or behind the scenes, and usually illegal. These efforts usually pay little heed to how they will affect those around them, or even themselves, as long as the original purpose is served. This is a very selfish level, and is generally very superficial in nature. They are freest to move around, but usually splash the most - thus, often offending those around them. When they look down at their reflection, they generally see very distorted images of themselves, and may perceive themselves, or their true nature, as very distant - if at all. People who spend much of their lives at this level often develop a very honed manipulative survivor instinct - like cats.

Knee Deep
This level is ten times deeper than Ankle Deep, but is still generally considered very shallow, as it is centered around "needs" of self - and also of others. Movement is still possible, but it is more difficult and some splashing is still involved. An introspective and introverted approach to life, it is easy for people of this level, or centered here for awhile, to elevate to higher depths - especially if isolated, and given time enough to think matters through thoroughly. Looking down, one�s reflection is clearer, but not yet clear enough to make out. People here feel most comfortable in packs - like dogs.

Hip Deep
Twice as deep as Knee Deep, this level includes those who are "hip" to the shallower happenings around them - and also often have some idea of something going on in the depths beyond, or at least that there might be something to it. People in this category often become jaded, especially if they stay too long at this level, without reaching beyond - and like to pretend they know more than they do. These are the "waders" of life, and are least likely to venture out into deeper levels. The reflection of self is somewhat clearer here, becoming more realistic. People at this level make good loners, and feel most comfortable with a wide angle view of the world - like birds.

Waist Deep
Only slightly deeper than Hip Deep, this level is for people who like to get "wasted" alot - and, in the height of their buzz, can perceive a brief glimpse of the universe beyond. It is often hard for people to stay at this level for any length of time, due to a lack of any solid foundation - note that there is no corresponding bone to this level - but it is centered around the gut, implying a visceral instinct, n is therefore often powerfully justified, despite its lack of sustainable reference.

Shoulder Deep
Nearly twice as deep as Hip or Waist Deep, the motives and concepts on this level are centered around where one "should" be, or the ultimate outcome of thoughts and deeds. Those looking down at their own reflections at this depth often have the clearest perception of themselves, but like other levels, the more they move around, the more distorted their visions of self become.

Out of One�s Depth
People on this level are often seen to be floating through life, as if concentrating on concepts that are over their own heads. Occasionally, one may look up to see a blurry reflection of one�s self.

The Lord of the Rings
as an Allegory for the Ph.D
- by Cheshire Cat

The story starts with Frodo: a young hobbit, quite bright, a bit dissatisfied with what he's learnt so far and with his mates back home who just seem to want to get jobs and settle down and drink beer. He's also very much in awe of his tutor and mentor, the very senior professor Gandalf, so when Gandalf suggests he take on a short project for him (carrying the Ring to Rivendell), he agrees. Frodo very quickly encounters the shadowy forces of fear and despair which will haunt the rest of his journey and leave permanent scars on his psyche, but he also makes some useful friends. In particular, he spends an evening down at the pub with Aragorn, who has been wandering the world for many years as Gandalf's postdoc and becomes his adviser when Gandalf isn't around.

After Frodo has completed his first project, Gandalf (along with head of department Elrond) proposes that the work should be extended. He assembles a large research group, including visiting students Gimli and Legolas, the foreign postdoc Boromir, and several of Frodo's own friends from his undergraduate days. Frodo agrees to tackle this larger project, though he has mixed feelings about it. ("'I will take the Ring', he said, 'although I do not know why.'")

Very rapidly, things go wrong. First, Gandalf disappears and has no more interaction with Frodo until everything is over. (Frodo assumes his supervisor is dead: in fact, he's simply found a more interesting topic and/or student and is working on that instead.) At his first international conference in Lorien, Frodo is cross-examined terrifyingly by Galadriel, and betrayed by Boromir, who is anxious to get the credit for the work himself. Frodo cuts himself off from the rest of his team: from now on, he will only discuss his work with Sam, an old friend who doesn't really understand what it's all about, but in any case is prepared to give Frodo credit for being rather cleverer than he is. Then he sets out towards Mordor.

The last and darkest period of Frodo's journey clearly represents the writing-up stage, as he struggles towards Mount Doom (submission), finding his burden growing heavier and heavier yet more and more a part of himself; more and more terrified of failure; plagued by the figure of Gollum, the student who carried the Ring before him but never wrote up and still hangs around as a burnt-out, jealous shadow; talking less and less even to Sam. When he submits the Ring to the fire, it is in desperate confusion rather than with confidence, and for a while the world seems empty.

Eventually it is over: the Ring is gone, everyone congratulates him, and for a few days he can convince himself that his troubles are over. But there is one more obstacle to overcome: months later, back in the Shire, he must confront the external examiner Saruman, an old enemy of Gandalf, who seeks to humiliate and destroy his rival's protege. With the help of his friends and colleagues, Frodo passes through this ordeal, but discovers at the end that victory has no value left for him. While his friends return to settling down and finding jobs and starting families, Frodo remains in limbo; finally, along with Gandalf, Elrond and many others, he joins the brain drain across the Western ocean to the new land beyond.

- Starship Enterprise - - Eiffel Tower - - Empire State Building - - World Trade Center - - Sears Tower - - Petronas Towers - - CN Tower - - Enterprise D -
U.S.S. Enterprise
Constitution Class
289 meters
21 decks
Eiffel Tower
1064 ft - 324 m
Tallest "Purposeless"
Free Standing Structure
Empire State Building
1250 ft - 381 m
World Trade Center
1368 ft - 417 m
Sears Tower
1450 ft - 442 m
Petronas Towers
1483 ft - 452 m
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
CN Tower
1815 ft - 553 m
Toronto, Canada
U.S.S. Enterprise
Galaxy Class
641 meters
42 decks
LOOK WHAT WE CAN DO !!!!! Completed in 1889, the Eiffel Tower was the tallest building in the world, until the completion of the Chrysler Building in 1930 - thus began the age of the skyscrapers, and the race to civilize the stratosphere. New York City's Empire State Building checked in at 1250 feet, or 381 meters. Today, the Sears Tower is the tallest building in North America - and it was the World's Tallest Building Until 1996 with the construction of the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Chicago's world famous high rise regained the Tallest Occupied Floor Title in 1997. But the Tallest Free Standing Structure in the World has been, since 1975, the Canadian National Tower in Toronto. Every year, hundreds of school kids visit via field trip, to toss pennies from the top (because it is rumored that they reach twice the speed of sound by the time they scream through someone's windshield in the parking lot below). For those of us who don't already know ..... 1 meter is 1.0936 yards, or 3.2808 feet ..... and 1 foot is .3048 meters ..... one mile, 5280 feet X .3048 = 1609.344 meters

The World's Tallest Buildings & Towers
Rank Name City, Country Year Metres Feet Stories
CN Tower Toronto, Canada 1975 553 1815
Ostankino Tower Moscow, Russia 1967 537 1762
Oriental Pearl Tower Shanghai, China 1995 468 1535
1-2 Petronas Towers Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 452 1483 88
3 Sears Tower Chicago, USA 442 1450 110
Menara Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1996 421 1403
4 Jin Mao Tower Shanghai, China 421 1380 88
Central Radio & TV Tower Beijing, China 1992 417 1369
* World Trade Center New York, USA 1977 417 1368 110
Tianjin TV Tower Tianjin, China 1991 415 1362
5 Citic Plaza Guangzhou, China 391 1283 80
6 Shun Hing Square Shenzhen, China 384 1260 69
7 Empire State Building New York, USA 381 1250 102
Tashkent Tower Tashkent, Uzbekistan 1985 375 1230
8 Central Plaza Hong Kong, China 374 1227 78
Liberation Tower Kuwait City, Kuwait 1996 370 1214
9 Bank of China Hong Kong, China 369 1209 70
Fernsehturm Tower Berlin, Germany 1969 365 1198
Stratosphere Tower Las Vegas, USA 1996 350 1149
10 The Center Hong Kong, China 350 1148 79
11 T & C Tower Kaohsiung, Taiwan 348 1140 85
12 Aon Center Chicago, USA 346 1136 80
13 John Hancock Center Chicago, USA 344 1127 100
Tokyo Tower Tokyo, Japan 1959 333 1092
Skytower Auckland, New Zealand 1997 328 1076
14 Burj al Arab Hotel Dubai, UAE 321 1053 60
15 Baiyoke Tower II Bangkok, Thailand 320 1050 90
AMP Tower Centrepoint Sydney, Australia 1981 305 1001
Eiffel Tower Paris, France 1889 300 984