on the left
The Controversy of
Independence vs Greed
a dialogue of struggle for intellectual property rights
on the right

think i found what I been lookin fer ;-)
yeah ?
absynth - got some sound files, its a complicaed program,
but in the sound example, thats what I been lookin fer
229$ proggy, hope theres cracks, there's no way in hell I could buy that
you know all the cool sites for things like that ?
well what I'll do is search for the program and version registration number. If that doesn't work, then serial number, or if yo search for the program and add warez to it, you get alot of software pirates that post the whole proggy on the site
yeah I know its illegal, but oh well?
not to sound communist or anything
- but greed is wrong
true, but how wrong is it?
lockdown, that required a crack program to register it for free for you,
corel, that would also be considered piracy since smeg sent it to you illegally
i know - thas what i mean - i'm not chargin anyone for me winamp skins or to listen to me mp3s - see, people need inventions n other products of creativity - only thing is, artists gotta eat - corporations will sponsor artists if it'll make em a fortune, but if even the artist in question starts givin his art away for free, corpos get pissed cuz in their eyes, it's stealin from them - but in reality, it never belonged to them in the first place - classic tale of the middle man takin over the globe again

i think what musta happened in this particular alternate universe, somewhere, somewhen, is that some lawyer inherited his client's estate somehow, n off it went, the world history of economy, into the toilet - find spock, in this one, he'll have a beard ;oP

exactly, thas how I see it, I would never charge someone to hear or see my music, I'd be thrilled that anyone would want to. So when I see a program that will help me develop and show my music and artistic creativity, and then see that a company charges 200 bucks for it, obviously they got money, and not to say its ok, but i still don't see much of an issue, as it will help bring music into the world, free...mirror mirror on the wall, whose the greediest of them all?

it is much easier for civilised people to act primitive, than barbarians to act civilised

right - so which is more barbarous
wearin yer hair down, or sellin yer brother out ?
expand on the meaning of selling your brother out? by taking their software, and using it for my purposes but not pay them for their work of creating this program? Sure theres moral dillema, but thats like saying mp3's are pirated songs, sure its known that a band did spend months making this masterpiece, but if you can get it free, they fuckover the band, by not buying the cd, and who in this world with a computer doesn't have a mp3?
well, even in the bible it sez the devil will use the wisdom against the meek, or somethin like that - for example, the whole point of a cd is it's a physical product - n to me, the record companies are printers n distributors only - you pay 10 or 20 bux for the plastic n paper with all the words n pictures to go with the product - but this is where the legal hassles come in - record companies twist the implied meaning of the contract to say that they own the rights to the music, n therefore profit from the art - cutting the artist in for a piece of that is something they do grudgingly, n get out of whenever they can (ccr = case n point) - i had a jam box when i was a kid, n bought blank tapes at the drug store to record shit off the radio - being poor, it didn't cut into my album purchases at all - in fact, it inspired me to buy many albums that i otherwise wouldn't be interested in - see, if the corpos were to see the beauty of free sample as advertising, mp3 wouldn't be such a controversial issue at all

i have a few mp3s on r2, but i'd need a ton of money to invest in equipment to make em even half the substitute for a cd, n then i still wouldn't have the actual product in hand - but record companies just wanna make money - it's far cheaper for them to give a buncha no talent yahoos a deal for a couple albums n then boot em when their sales fall - n this way, the only real winner is the executives, cuz music as a medium has suffered, as standards have fallen - in the 70s, n with most real jazz too, many artists were given free reign n almost total autonomy in their own creative process - this gave musicians, potheads n free thinkers mainly, more political power n clout than the people who actually owned the store, so to speak - but without radio stations or some other mass media interest, unsigned musicians don't have a chance to be heard any other way, or even at all - n once ye get signed, ye play by their top 40 rules or never get to make a cd - so in the end, the only cds that ever get made, basically suck - n half a generation later, few people really even notice