Flying Saucer
Unidentified Flying Objects
Ancient ArtSaucersMass Sightings
RoswellArea 51Alien Technology
Conspiracy TheoriesThe Future

Flying Saucers
Strange Lights in the Sky
Venus, swamp gas, ball lightning, the Moon
- all are viable explanations for the witnessed phenomena -
but none move suddenly, intelligently, or so quickly across the sky.

Reports of unidentified flying objects appear even in our most ancient historical records.
For anyone looking at the most ancient primitive cave drawings and petraglyphs
it seems impossible now to take them for anything other than technology.

In historical times, demons and elves ruled the darkest nights
~ even in the Bible, angels and devils ascend to the clouds.

British Columbia, 1981
From: UFO: The Complete Sightings
by Peter Brookesmith - p. 122
UFO caught by chance on film by Hannah McRoberts in British Columbia, Canada on 8 October 1981. She, her husband and 19-month-old daughter stopped near the Eve River, north of Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island, on a journey to Holberg. Mrs. Roberts decided to photograph the scenery, and the couple were joking between themselves as she did so. Neither realized the UFO had been present until they saw the developed film. The frame is the only one on the roll showing a UFO. After various tests, Richard F. Haines concluded that the image had not been faked nor the film damaged, and calculated that if the UFO had been directly over the mountaintop, it would have been 123 feet (37.5 m) across. What, then, was it?
British Columbia, 1981

Gulf Breeze

Several of the more famous Gulf Breeze photos, by Ed Walters
widely considered to be a hoax my most ufologists, but never proven.

Ancient ArtSaucersMass Sightings
RoswellArea 51Alien Technology
Conspiracy TheoriesThe Future

Flying Saucer

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