.....we are not alone!!!

~ The Chinese Zoidiac ~


WINTER is your season.
DECEMBER is your month.

You enjoy life's pleasures, are a gourmet and connoisseur of good wine, curious about everything and an opportunist. Your fertile imagination pushes you to get out of your daily routine through the delightful things you think up to do, to the joy of your friends. But if your family and, above all, your little ones, are delighted by your unfailing love, your individualistic side comes out as soon as you leave home. Magnetic and charming, you are surrounded by a mysterious halo. Your relationships are formed with people that can help you, at least in the beginning. But sometimes a sincere and solid friendship is formed. Faithful in love and friendship, your circle of close friends is small because you have chosen them carefully. You know how to use this close circle of friends to get what you want, if need be. Manipulation is an art that you know well, with no sense of guilt. Naturally distrustful, you are secretive about your life and always attack first when you feel threatened. Your hypersensitivity makes you hate being laughed at or reproached and you can become aggressive over nothing. Be careful about being too cynical because it can sting. Your fault: You are overly critical.

Your mindset and innate gifts as a strategist tend to make you an incredible politician. You are also at ease in the business world and have an intuition that allows you to know which way the wind is blowing. While you excel at thinking things through, you balk at taking action yourself and delegate work that bores you to a maximum. Your projects don't often get set up because you lack perseverance and don't implicate yourself enough; you run away from routine and don't like to feel hampered by set hours, places or constraints in general. Your gifts as a strategist come out when you are independent but you sometimes hesitate undertaking your own projects.

You can be extravagant or miserly with money; everything depends on the period and your mood. The Rat is lucid so you know how to adapt yourself to any financial situation. You have almost as much taste for rigor as you do for opulence. No matter the drink provided, what's important is getting drunk... Your skillfulness and cunning allow you to rapidly regain a financial equilibrium when the balance tilts in the wrong direction. It is rather common that you have a secret nest egg that you don't hesitate digging into, to the delight of your loved ones. What irritates you most: waste.

While you sometimes seem egotistical on the outside you are highly sensitive and sentimental on the inside. You are very emotional, and easily carried away by your passion and jealousy. You love fiery love that is agitated and tumultuous. Your only fear is finding yourself enclosed in a frightening routine! You don't hesitate using your imagination to preserve the freshness of your couple. You know how to play the role of the lover, the loved one and the faithful friend. To seduce you, a person must be understanding, respect your taste for mystery and often surprise you. "Surprise me..." is your first commandment.

The Rat in the Year of The Snake: Ease while Focus brings Rewards The Rat and the Snake are long time friends in the Zodiac. This year is sure to be one that the Rat thrives in and really enjoys. A great deal of the energy of the Snake is very suited to your character, making it an opportune time to make strides in your life.

Your ability to charm others with your magnetic appeal and seemingly under-control demeanor will be at an all time high. In fact, you may notice that you have more competition when it comes to smooth talking than ever before. But given your tenacity, this shouldn't stop you from doing what needs to be done. As long as you can continue to effectively manage your emotions, which will be easier this year, things will go smoothly for you.

Your ambition will take you places. You will find that whatever you put your focus on will bring the rewards you are hoping for. With the added energy of this year, there isn't much standing in your way. The social scene will work well for you as Snake years favor casual contact. Given your tendency at times for engaging in gossip, take care that you don't spend too much time on this kind of thing as it could fall back on you.

Nothing too serious is likely to happen when it comes to a long-term committed relationship in a Snake Year. It can be easy for you, Rat, to get a little carried away when it comes to lavishing favors on the object of your affections. Fortunately, the Snake is far more likely to give of their time rather than out of their wallets and this can help you keep your spending under control.


WINTER is your season.
JANUARY is your month.

A Chinese proverb says, "The ox is slow but the earth is patient". You go through life with determination and common sense. You love nature and so like working outdoors. You also like quiet cottages, and have respect for traditions. You are solid, with a quiet interior force that people can count on. You also have a great sense of humanity, are loyal, honest, upright, faithful and have integrity. No job turns you off when you have made a decision and you never go back on your word even if it means being unduly stubborn. You suppress your emotions, and hide them most of the time - notably when you are in love because you are afraid of being rejected. You are not afraid of solitude, and prefer spending your evenings in a quiet cottage in the countryside rather than a Parisian lounge watching the beautiful people go by. A little bit rustic, you are not a diplomat, and let others know what you think without hesitation. If someone attacks you, you fight back like a bull with your head lowered and horns ready to gouge your enemy. Those who hurt you or those close to you should watch out: you hold grudges for a long time - excessively so - and never forget a name or a face. You always get sweet revenge... even several years later. Your fault: You're a bad loser and can't stand failure.

You take on mountains of work without apparent effort. You are well grounded both physically and mentally, face problems head on and always find a solution that is never "the easy way out". You inspire confidence in those close to you because you keep your word and are respected because of your honesty and steadfastness. You master the workings of business affairs and your strong will always gets you to your fixed objective even if the road is longer than expected. Your endurance is without limits.

You are reasonable and know how much money you have right down to the penny. You earned your money through sweat and hard work and you are not the kind of person to throw it away on an impulse. You invest in land, real-estate, and durable goods, and never spend your money unwisely. Your family lives in relative comfort at home but you have to be pushed out of the house to take part in outings or leisure activities. You are an excellent money manager with the mindset of a countryman: you can live on very little and love seeing your nest egg get bigger and bigger...

"Slow but sure" is your motto in love. You love pleasure but you never get involved quickly and it is likely that you will remain alone if someone doesn't come looking for you! Passion and ardent declarations of love make you feel uneasy. You like to establish a relationship slowly, step-be-step, and take time getting to know a person to learn to appreciate them. To attract you, the person your seeking has to gain your confidence, respect nature, be very tender and have nothing against slipping on some comfortable slippers!

The Ox (Buffalo) in the Year of The Snake: Autonomy and Progress This Year of the Snake will suit the hardworking Ox very well. Unlike last year's Dragon influence, things will move along at a nice and steady pace, much to the Ox's delight. The Year of the Snake will see your interest in learning and expansion greatly enhanced. In fact, you'll feel able to concentrate like never before. While the Dragon year may have been frustrating because of all its innate distractions, focus will occur readily, making it an excellent time to take on anything that will give you more knowledge.

While yours is a steadfast approach and romance may not be something on the top of your priority list, keep your eyes and ears open when it comes to matters of the heart. Relationships will take on a more casual air, making long-term commitments rather scarce. If you are in an existing relationship, the opportunity to bring a renewed sense of vim, vigor, and attraction will be there for the taking. Don't be surprised if you decide to try out a brand new look.

Continue the Ox's preferred pace when it comes to work, as this will fit with the atmosphere very well. Snake Years don't care much for a rushed approach and this will undoubtedly suit you. Money should be plentiful. There is no need for concern.

Try not to get angry if your efforts to inspire someone fall flat this year as many will find it more challenging to follow advice, however good it is. Each individual, including you, will be inclined to do things their own way regardless.


WINTER is your season.
FEBRUARY is your month.

You have a rage to live and the teeth to sink into a plank of wood. Fortune doesn't motivate you but your desire for passionate adventure and impossible challenges does! Cyrano de Bergerac would almost dim in comparison to someone as high in color as yourself. Nothing stops you, neither eccentricity nor danger. You decide on your course of action through impulse; you listen to your heart more than to your reason. Your fearless enthusiasm motivates others. People would follow you to the end of the earth if only to take part in the wild dreams that you imagine each day to get beyond the reality and routine of every day life. This extravagance goes hand-in-hand with a need to command: you love it when people obey you without a word. Caution to those who don't: they could get badly clawed. Excessive in everything, your behavior betrays the force of your emotions: passion and anger are part of your every day life. If someone tries to put you in a cage, you become crazed and roar loud enough to dislocate your jaw! An insatiable adventurer, you build your life from the hazards and opportunities you encounter, grabbing onto the chances that are offered to you with an almost unconscious audacity. Your fault: You are unpredictable and not very good at making others feel secure.

A charismatic person, you are a leader of men, a maestro, a captain of ships. If you are put into a subordinate job, you die. You need action and independence to give measure to your talents in convincing clients, amassing business affairs, and conquering markets. You make your path in a universe that is wild, anarchic and without hierarchy. Roads that have already been taken don't interest you. You can't conceive of working without passion and refuse to bow down to logic, fixed hours and uniforms. A lord reigns in you!

Savings, security, and organization are abhorrent to you. You love to play the stock market, go to the races and bet your salary on an even number. Money interests you only to the extent that it can buy you emotional thrills and pleasures. Your generosity is often without limit. You will invest in a new undertaking without hesitation, confident in your luck and intuition. It's true, the risks you take are generally compensated for! You are ready to give your friends a lot of money and in time you will become a magnificent hero who lights up the world.

Your love life is as intrepid and romantic as your life in general. Like a white knight, you have no fear and no reproaches to make. You climb up balconies to save princesses. The first days of passion are fiery and you shine! Completely fickle, you run away as soon as routine is present. If your loved one leaves you, you act like a lord, admitting defeat without bitterness. One love lost is ten more found! To seduce you, a person must be ready for anything, respect your sense of space and liberty, love disorder and adventure and purr with pleasure when your paws become velvet!

The Tiger in the Year of the Snake: Adjustment and Steady Progress The Tiger often feels restrained and uncomfortable under the Snake's influence. This is because of his love of excitement and adventure. The fast-paced atmosphere of the last Dragon year suited this well. But this year is sure to add a completely different element to the atmosphere. The Tiger can make real headway in growth. As things slow down to a steady pace, get ready to progress.

Be sure you have your goals down right from the start, as the focus and concentration you need to realize your ambitions will be provided. While things won't happen in a flash of lightening like last year, they will happen with a steadfast approach. You can expect to be able to express yourself well and to advance your career inch by inch. As this year can bring out the more devious of characters, it is vital that you don't take anything at face value. Use your natural skepticism to question anything that seems vague.

Socially, things will be light and casual in nature. Snake years do not usually see life-long commitments occurring. But it will give you plenty of time to meet new faces, make new friends, and enjoy fun and recreation.

One of the grandest aspects of the Year of the Snake is the ability to learn at a much greater capacity. This is the time to take that course, attend that workshop or pick up that book you've been thinking of. You will be delighted to see how easy it is to concentrate. This additional education will lend support to your career and personal growth.


SPRING is your season.
MARCH is your month.

Lively yet tranquil, peaceful yet realistic, you use your intelligence to create a burrow made just for you, where everything you hate is banished forever: disorder, quarrels, indiscretion, anguish, tumult, and haste. You are a diplomat in society: highly courteous and with an elegance that charms those around you. You know how to listen to others who gladly tell you their secrets. Still, you think that everyone must solve their own problems and don't get involved in the affairs of others unless you have to. Underneath you soft, silky skin is a calm, highly determined person who can get out of any situation. Effusive sentiments and tumultuous emotions make you feel uncomfortable. You face agitated situations with logic and a certain detachment that can make you seem indifferent or cynical. In fact, your aspiration for peace is above all others. You look for the tranquillity of a place that will least upset your inner world: after long reflection, you can build the universe that fits you best. An aesthete and erudite, you love to plunge into books and long evenings near the fire in company of those close to you. Your fault: A tendency to go back into to your burrow the moment a cloud appears and to run away like a Cat when conflicts arise.

Your talents as a negotiator and your open mind allow you to rise rapidly in society, even if you don't run after promotions. You have confidence in your instincts, can "feel" a good deal, and get into the race astutely. Your luck will do the rest. You aren't very good at working in groups but are most productive in the quiet isolation of an office or workshop. Your capacity to synthesize makes you an excellent organizer and manager... of your own work. As for colleagues, you don't always like working by their side nor getting involved in their projects. You are extremely independent and try to maximize your autonomy.

You are generally well situated on the financial level. This is fortunate because you appreciate having a comfortable lifestyle. You hate being caught off guard so you save your money regularly and invest in low risk ventures that promise a peaceful future. You probably have savings accounts, an IRA and life insurance, etc., that will assure you a comfortable life old age. This prudence is mixed with a healthy organizational sense that frees you from money worries and allows you to live a pleasant, comfortable life.

You are a solid person that your friends can count on. In love you prefer tender hugs and caresses to tumultuous passion. A romantic in your soul, sensitive and attentive to you partner, you know how to make yourself wanted through your kindness and charm. Dinners by candlelight and weekends in Venice are what you aspire to in love. You are happy with someone gentle who is neither possessive, jealous nor impulsively aggressive. To attract you, a person must be cultivated, romantic, warm and well brought up.

The Cat (Rabbit/Hare) in the Year of the Snake: Business Success This Year of the Snake is apt to be one that you thrive and flourish in, especially so when it comes to business. Your ability to maintain a steady focus on your ambitions will serve you well as Snake Years are renowned for success through a steadfast approach. It will be especially important to not take things at face value. Check into the details and read the fine print before signing anything. Even if your instincts say that everything is dandy, go the extra distance as it could save you a lot of grief later.

The Year of the Snake will intensify your emotions and for you, this can be reason to take extra care of yourself. When it comes to relationships, the temptation to break commitments can be stronger than the previous year. You can be somewhat detached in family situations as it is, so take care in this area as well. With the overall tone set as casual and light-hearted, have fun. Just don't step over the boundaries you have set for yourself.

As a Cat, seeking out knowledge is not a regular activity for you. But this may be dramatically different now, as learning is shifted into primary focus. Even if you have experienced upset and frustration in a field of study in the past, this is definitely the time to give it another try. You will find yourself far more receptive and studiousness will come naturally. Seize the opportunity!


SPRING is your season.
APRIL is your month.

Sovereign in your kingdom, you exist to be flamboyant and exceptional. Like the mythic, fiery Dragon, you love to confront the enemy in battle, leaving the earth behind you burnt to a crisp, and hearts inflamed along your path. Great commander of the rain and fine weather, one must respect you when you talk, admire you when you act and submit when you command. An impetuous energy animates every one of your actions: you are ready to take on any challenge, go off on a conquest of power, and tear down any obstacle. If by chance you fail, you will never admit to being vanquished and will find in this snub a new will to conquer. An insatiable warrior, you become stronger after each defeat, and more invincible after every wound. Demanding of others, you are rather gentle on yourself and rare is the Dragon who recognizes his faults... Intelligent, lucid and clairvoyant, you willingly bang your fist on the table when your audience doesn't share your point of view. You like to see life as a big adventure and can't stand it when those around you lack ambition. Your fault: A bit of megalomania and narcissism!

You are meant for big projects. A tunnel under the Atlantic, a trip to Mars, a pyramid at the Louvre... You are at your best when involved in great projects and in extreme situations. Intuitive and visionary, you are exceptionally creative, endowed with an innate sense for the show and stage. You belong to the race of powerful men and horsemen. Hungry for success, you can work day and night without sleeping to get a big project going. Boredom is what kills you, not work.

An aristocrat in the world, you love to live in a grand style, going out every night and spending money without counting. You like to drive a sports car, hunt for antiques in China, and sleep in silk! You are generous to yourself, family and friends, and you cover them with presents... especially if they show their gratitude! Born under the sign of Luck, the Dragon is rarely without money. But come what may, you never lower yourself to do work that you hate for money. You have your pride even where money is concerned!

Exasperating Dragon! Your irresistible powers attract consenting victims into your den. When you deign to lower your regard to the chosen one, you know that they are already conquered, all the better, since you hate all forms of resistance! In exchange, you ask for nothing more than to be honored when they are at your side. For you, love is something owed to you, not a duty, so your partner must often make do with little to be happy. If they reproach you the slightest thing, you leave by slamming the door, once you have let out all your rage. Trying to blackmail you has no effect. To seduce you, a person needs to be fascinated by you and your gestures, to swoon in admiration, and hide a strong heart and seemingly happy behind a seeming fragility.

The Dragon in the Year of the Snake: Focus and Direction The year 2001 is here, marking the end of your ruling time and the beginning of the Year of the Snake. Dragons can struggle with the slower pace of the Snake. Yet, with all of the fanfare and excitement of the last year, you may be the first person to appreciate having things more easy going.

A Snake Year brings you the opportunity to regain your focus in your career. You will be better equipped to make clear decisions and to choose where to concentrate your energies. Slow and steady is the way of the Snake, and while this may not always be your preferred method, it will make the greatest strides. You'll need far more patience in the coming year, as the fruits of your labor will be slower to come.

Take care when it comes to any committed relationships you are involved in, as the temptation to stray can be much greater. Your good looks and charm naturally draw people to you. This will be even more the case in this coming year. Casual and superficial connections are common in a Snake Year. Be sure to think first, Dragon. Acting on impulse could be damaging down the road.

One of the best uses of a Snake Year's energy is by actively engaging in education. A much enhanced approach to study and comprehension will be present throughout the year. Whether you've been considering a course that will aid you in your career or something more personal such as an art class, this is an excellent time to add to your existing skills. Remember to take things nice and easy this year. Rushing around will prove to be non-constructive.


SPRING is your season.
MAY is your month.

Like the Snake that enchanted Eve, you know how to make more than one person lose their head! Refined, funny and gifted in seduction, you shine in society with your intelligence and vivacious spirit. The snake is admired in China for his wisdom and you have a philosophy in life that is all your own. Intuitive and lucid in all situations, you become reserved when conversing and are silent most of the time, preferring to let your thoughts make their way in silence rather than through chatter. However, if the subject is abstract, you don't hesitate expressing yourself while your audience looks up to you in admiration, seduced by your knowledge. A cold blooded animal, you love intrigue and playfulness in life, but preserve large periods of time for idleness. You have the capacity to realize your projects in a few hours while others would take days to complete them. When you start out, your efficiency is terrifying and all the more so as you often work alone and at your own rhythm. You are faster than the average person, as you slide over obstacles like a snake in the grass. With your venom, you willingly attack your enemies with acerbic comments, leaving them only when your thirst for revenge has been satisfied. It's better being your friend...

You solve most of your problems in solitary, preferring your inner rhythm to that of the outside world. A fine negotiator, you love to come up against difficult partners. You have the inner resources and calm necessary to get what you want in any circumstances. You're not afraid of responsibility and efficiency is your forte. With little movement and few words, you analyze the situation with your uncommon gift for synthesis. Once the path has been outlined, you go straight for the target, absolutely remarkable! One single fault : You can't stand failure. Proud Snake that you are!

You love money but only for the pleasure that it allows you to enjoy. This is all the more true since you appreciate a universe with a minimum of comfort. You will gladly spend a lot of money on an art object or trip to a warm climate rather than buy a washing machine or car. More of an ant than a cicada, you have a tendency to spend all of your money very easily. You are lucky to be calculating, good in business, at choosing collaborators and making relationships with people who are capable of helping you enrich yourself with the least amount of effort.!

Once your pray has been hypnotized, you are sensual, passionate and very possessive. A dominator in your soul, you overtly demand that your partner satisfy all of your desires. While you are jealous, you are not very steadfast nor faithful. You like to seduce any pray that passes your way if only to reassure you in your capacity for seduction. Your favorite arm: talking about Prometheus or Freud to enchant your future conquest with an undercurrent of erotic suggestions. To attract you, your pray must be intelligent, licentious, admiring and passionate.

The Snake in the Year of the Snake: Realizing your Potential At last - your Year to rule is here! With applied focus, you will see an incredibly powerful time ahead. You have the opportunity to realize your full potential and to make tremendous strides in your personal development. Your innate wisdom will see growth in this year, as you will find your hunger to learn insatiable. While you usually enjoy education of any sort, you will really love learning and will excel in it in your own year.

Money is rarely a problem for you as your determination and ambition sees you succeed. Expect this to be even more enhanced, allowing you to make a large nest egg for yourself. Be sure to use some time to explore investment options and to review your financial planning strategies. Once you know more, you will be able to make your money work for you in better ways.

Helping others is something that you generally like to do. However, parting with money is definitely not. You are very generous with your time and energy, however, try not to be too stingy. Think through requests for financial assistance and don't overdo it when it comes to giving of your valuable time. In terms of dollars, consider whether the time you spend costs more than a monetary loan.

You will be wise to stay clear of temptation when it comes to affairs and relationships. Your beauty will be even more magnetic now and while you are sure to have plenty of opportunity, you might want to really think of your commitments first before you act on any temptations. This is especially the case for those of you who are in a committed relationship. Take care and strive to be faithful.


SUMMER is your season.
JUNE is your month.

From the fiery Horse, symbol of all happiness in China, you have inherited vivacity, loyalty, the elegance of a thoroughbred, and the impatience of a child. You are worldly and at ease in high society and are an elegant conversationalist. Your intelligence and fluidity of thought easily convince people of the soundness of your ideas. But a "big talker" is often a "small doer" and this failing follows you around. What keeps you from taking action is a fear of failure because you never come out of your adventures intact. On the other hand, if the subject is familiar to you and you have some reassuring support, you jump headlong into the adventure. You love to move around: constant movement animates your being, but you most often get around obstacles rather than jump over them. This fear of failure paralyses you. Your dynamic spirit is never dampened. You can't stand idleness, and long-term plans don't attract you because you are quickly unmotivated. You paw the ground with impatience when there are traffic jams and will cut across a field to get out of one with gusto. Your fault : A lack of confidence in yourself.

You need to feel independent, free and above all, you don't like to have someone watching over you. Your elegance of expression and convincing words make you an excellent salesperson, especially if you have spent the day on the road. Sitting in an enclosed office doesn't fit with your desire to be on the move. The ideal profession for you is one where you can travel a lot. You love to innovate and make decisions quickly, but work that requires endurance is not for you. It is through the race and movement that you gain speed. Now, you just need to know when to stop at the right moment and at the right place...

You don't save for the future and are not consistent with money. If you have some, all the better; if you don't, you live without. Earning money is not a motor in your life. On the contrary, it often takes last place in your life. Your fickle lifestyle - notably concerning work which you change often, reinforces this financial insecurity. If you need money right away, you will gladly sell your furniture and personal things; You are an idealist rather than a materialist. You have confidence in you luck and never doubt that you will be able to get out of any situation. Your opportunistic side sometimes comes to your aid...

Eternally in love, and fiery like a stallion, you love the tumultuous emotions you feel when falling in love and discovering a partner; you throw yourself body and soul into a new adventure and are immediately passionate but without jealousy nor possessiveness. A wonderful companion, you shower the people you love with presents. But passion only lasts for a time and you get bored quickly... At the first sign of routine, you take off for greener pastures.

The Horse in the Year of the Snake: Continuous Progress The independent and versatile Horse is sure to see a year of opportunity. In contrast to the high energy and spotlight of the Dragon year, the Snake Year will see the Horse slow down considerably. This creates time to focus on building confidence and individuality.

Education may be a prominent part for you, as expanding your knowledge base will appeal to you greatly. Your ability to absorb new information will be enhanced. While this can certainly take the form of formal training, increased personal growth and insight are also apt to occur.

Your love of social activity will get an excellent workout. Short-term exchanges and a positive spirit will bring plenty of opportunity for fun with others. In fact, if you were hoping to find a long-term commitment this year, you may be disappointed. This doesn't usually happen during a Snake Year. Keep this in mind when love strikes. As it can be one of your challenges to learn how to balance such feelings without excluding the other areas of your life, you could see a year of chaos if you aren't cautious. Learning to discern between love and infatuation is an area of personal growth that you can see develop.

Steady progress will happen in your work life providing you stay focused. The Year of the Snake is often one of great reward and abundance. For you, the key to success is fixed concentration. When you are at work, focus on this. When at play, enjoy yourself to the fullest. By striving to keep these separate, you will see your efforts pay off in many ways.


FIRE is your element.
SUMMER is your season.
JULY is your month.

An artist in your soul, you are gentle and peaceful, a fine aesthete who loves the touch of the noblest materials under his feet. Work bores you, and idleness you adore! Your ideal: to have someone take care of you. You dream of living under the protection of a prodigal patron who would let your creative talents bloom with no material constraints. You love working with your hands when it concerns art but hate anything to do with work associated with daily life around the house. You are looking for the right person to take care of you, make decisions for you, flatter you and take you to a silky, green field every day. The imaginary universe that you live in is very far from reality where "everything is but luxury, beauty, calm and voluptuousness...". When you come back to earth, you fall into a dark pessimism, are very stubborn, capricious and can pout. Your over sensitivity is only matched by your sluggishness. When conflicts arise you take cover until the storm has passed; you never even think of ramming your adversary with your horns. You usually win your fights because your perseverance and your natural charm are endearing. Your fault : You are an easy mark for wolves.

You excel in creative, artistic fields and in anything to do with the theater or putting on a show. You have a purely conceptual mind that likes to be surrounded by realistic collaborators who will take care of the books and the commercial side of things because management isn't your field of predilection. You want neither power nor honors. You are at ease in the thick of things, far from the decision-makers. You work in a bubble with an excessive desire for perfection.

You will gladly spend the money of others! You know how to surround yourself with benefactors who believe in your talent and know how to show it. You don't run after money and are capable of paying four times too much for an object without batting an eye. You have holes in your pocket and you are terrible at managing your money. Who cares! You live in a universe where good taste rules, either because you have money or are resourceful. You could transform any stable into a palace from the Arabian Nights!

Anxious and dependent, you can't live without love. You need a companion that can protect you, is tender and will shower you with attention. Fights at home and raised voices make you extremely anxious. An ideal love, you are faithful and happy in an atmosphere of calm and security. To seduce you, your partner must be romantic and gallant, and invite you out to cultural events. Above all, they should never give you an ultimatum or look as though they want to leave you. In this case, you will be the first to leave the prairie!

The Goat in the Year of the Snake: Patience and Expansion The Goat can find challenge when operating under the Snake's influence. The demand to perform at top levels that the Goat places on themselves and others doesn't always suit a Snake year's atmosphere. Things will slow down to a moderate pace. With the casual tone of this Snake Year, any expectations the Goat places on others can lead to disappointment. Despite the tendency to be dedicated to making commitments, this year can see the Goat more relaxed. Expectations need to be realistic. A natural ability to make it through hard times will help to manage this area without too much trouble. Patience will truly be a virtue.

Your love of helping others will suit this year's energy very well. The Year of the Snake naturally enhances a willingness to be there for those in need, especially an under-dog. You're more likely to be generous with your time than with your money, which can help you to continue with your financial goals.

Making money regardless of the challenges and even adversities is one of the things a Snake does best. With this in mind, using your creative skills will be fruitful. It's important for you to put your natural talents to the task, as this is where your greatest strength lies. This is also a prime time to get serious about learning. You will see your ability to learn and study enhanced. Consider something that will help you realize your full creative potential.

Most of all, dear Goat, enjoy the optimism this Year of the Snake brings. It can do a lot for your overall outlook on life and yourself.


SUMMER is your season.
AUGUST is your month.

Of all the animals of the Chinese zodiac, your are the most intelligent. Your pranks, finesse and craftiness get you out of the most delicate situations without a scratch. Particularly at ease in public and at parties with beautiful people, you are charming, surprising and entertaining with the faces you make, and your irresistible, funny stories. You can also laugh at yourself with astonishing lucidity. Your character is that of a "happy pessimist" and you adapt easily to any context - and not without a certain amount of cunning. Confronted by a muscle-bound adversary, you use servility and flattery to lead him by the nose. Your skillfulness in the art of manipulation has no equal and you easily play the actor to soothe those around you. Crocodile tears and shameless lies are part of your daily bread. If you are caught, you have the good grace to recognize the error of your ways and can make others forgive you. You jump from branch to branch, from problem to problem, with an incredible degree of fickleness which borders on childishness. It is difficult to keep you in one place; at the least sign of boredom, you swing to another tree. But behind your mimics and gestures hides an old monkey that the Chinese name The Wise One. Your fault : You want to be first at any price...

Ambitious, inventive and gifted, you work on all fronts with incredible speed. You constantly need new projects to undertake and daring challenges. You are resourceful in business, skillful in negotiations and insatiable in all that you do. Your good humor easily motivates the troops. While success comes to you easily, it quickly becomes difficult for you to manage. Success goes to your head and you become arrogant and mean to those around you. No-one would hesitate slipping a banana peel under your feet - a pirouette and you're gone!

You love money because it is an exterior sign of your value. A Monkey never works "for nothing" - all the more since you spend your money to create a comfortable, luxurious life for your family. You love to make them happy by giving them sumptuous gifts and often buy expensive, impractical presents on the spur of the moment. You don't hoard money and claim that you will never be lacking in anything. You are lucid and lucky.

Passion exalts your imagination so you dislike the routine of everyday life. You idealize your partner but can't bear that they are only human with faults and manias like everyone else. But you can't live alone. You are an eternal adolescent, in love with the stars and with a taste for seduction. You are gifted in seducing and ravaging hearts with no sense of guilt. Being funny, imaginative and mischievous are your favorite arms. To seduce you, a person must tell you that you are the best, surprise you every day, laugh at your jokes and never yawn with boredom.

The Monkey in the Year of the Snake: Fun and Productive Dear Monkey, if you found the past year of the Dragon a little hard to take, it wouldn't be surprising. Take heart, as this year of the Snake should bring you the calm and peace you favor. The Monkey and the Snake have often done well together.

Increasing your knowledge and insight will undoubtedly be a large factor in the coming year. Given your love of learning, this makes it an excellent time for studies of any kind. If you've been thinking of a course, get enrolled! You are sure to excel and enjoy yourself while you're at it. There's no need to worry about finances in the coming year as abundance and prosperity often come readily during Snake Years. In fact, learning about investing is a terrific endeavor at this time.

Another characteristic of Snake Years is a strong social component. This will suit you quite well as you are renowned for your love of talking with as many people as you can. But you will need to exercise some control and caution if you want to make strides, especially in your career. Save chatter for after work and keep your focus steady while handling tasks. This will be a far more valuable use of your time and besides, there's always time to tell of your adventures once you get home.

The atmosphere of this year will be more casual and light-hearted. Chances are good that you won't have any major dilemmas to cope with. Just be sure you take the time to listen as well as speak should someone wish to pour out their troubles. Try to give the same graciousness to them as you would wish for yourself.


FALL is your season.
SEPTEMBER is your month.

Your bright red comb frightens bad spirits away in Chinese tradition. Protected from them, you don't hesitate parading around ostentatiously in public. Hungry for honors and medals, you love to be recognized for your talents at their just value and to be congratulated in all circumstances. Spiteful people who criticize you quickly get clawed because you hate being criticized. Your best quality is your frankness. You always say what you think even at the risk of hurting those close to you. Yet you always hide your real feelings out of an extreme sense of propriety because you can't stand people meddling in your affairs. In public, you are a true Rooster : an extravagant dandy who is curious about everything, you strut down the street - a smooth talker who loves to be the center of attention. Appearances are more important to you than what's inside. If people don't look at you, you get depressed. You will happily spend hours before the mirror to admire your wonderful, flamboyant feathers. But your attention to detail and perfectionist nature sometimes make you forget the essential. A loyal and courageous friend, you don't hesitate attacking if you need to defend them, even if the battle seems lost in advance. You respect the rules whatever happens because you are a real conformist. Your fault : You are somewhat narcissistic and pedantic.

You have your feet on ground and your head in the accounts! An expert planner and master of beautiful discourses, you excel at organizing and directing the work of others on a well-outlined path. You use tested methods rather than trying to initiate new ones, but methods as old as the world allow you to make money easily. You know your work and how to take measured risks. Risky undertakings make you "sick". Although your obsessive perfectionism tends to slow you down, it also helps you to avoid certain traps. When you have succeeded in a mission, your superiors would be well advised to show their appreciation. Honors and recognition motivate you like the devil!

Your qualities as a manager help you to invest wisely and you often save the ante as well; you back down before no expense to shine in the eyes of society: sumptuous dinners, dressing to the nines, the hottest cars, showy jewelry, etc. Those close to you have to keep up the pace and style, which makes you look generous in their eyes. In fact, only your friends profit : you are generous only because you care about how you look in the eyes of society; you are very stingy with those you do not know and keep a rigorous account of expenses, stopping yourself before you go into the red.

As a conformist, you prefer stability to adventure and simple sentiments to passionate ones. But living with you can be trying because you don't hesitate commenting on the pimple your partner has on their nose or the ugly bulge around their waist while you yourself, accept no criticism. You are incorrigibly jealous and tolerate no rival. If your partner has the misfortune to look elsewhere you quickly become aggressive. To seduce you, your partner must find you irresistible, take care of your every need, be understanding and have a taste for social life.

The Rooster in the Year of the Snake: Challenge and Personal Growth The Rooster is not known in Chinese Astrology for compatibility with the Snake. However, this presents a year of opportunity for growth. Talking and working things out with others in a peaceful, quiet manner is commonplace in a Snake Year. Its energy will give you opportunity to think before you act. Given your tendency towards an aggressive approach at times, this can be either a challenge or a blessing for you. You have the opportunity to learn more compromising and less damaging ways of solving problems with others.

The one area that you will need to practice control in will be with others that you place expectations on. Coworkers are sure to fall into this category, but don't overlook those in your personal life as well. Placing demands on others that they cannot meet, often causes trouble for you. Allow yourself to feel the greater compassion and sympathy that will be present.

The Year of the Snake favors education and personal development in a big way. By applying yourself to a greater understanding of yourself and the areas that need work, you will emerge a far better person when this year ends. Without any major concerns where finances are concerned, you will be able to address your troubles where others are involved. Not only this, you will find you have the time and patience to improve and grow. What more is there to desire?


FALL is your season.
OCTOBER is your month.

The Dog's loyalty and sense of smell make him a sure friend with brilliant intuition. You are very human and warm and people count on that. You advance in life with a logic that is materialistic and you have a high sense of honor. Injustice makes your fur stand on end and you fight to the end against dishonesty and oppression. Those who get in your way should be careful: your bite is deep and your bark thunderous. Willfully incisive, your cynicism is sharp and constantly fed by your pessimistic nature. This lucid realism allows you to rise quickly from your gloom. Nothing surprises you and certainly not worst case scenarios. Your confidence in the goodness of men is relative and you have a tendency to distrust people that you don't know. But if someone conquers your heart, you are a great friend. You love to frolic in the countryside, spend an evening by the fire, and have your nose in a book. A philosopher and discreet, you don't think that you can change society. To protect yourself from disappointment, you choose your close friends with care after having tested them in the smallest details. In this closed universe where affection reigns, you gladly show yourself as a nutty, eccentric companion that is fun to be around. Your fault : As an introverted Dog, you are on the defensive a little too much.

Honest and conscientious, you don't work with passion but are consistent and courageous. Appreciated for your realism and sense of smell, you have a tendency to see things in black, but this pessimism allows you to see the worst case scenario and to anticipate possible solutions in a crunch. A Dog never lets himself be caught off guard. Altruistic and devoted, you let the interest of the community come before your own and this attitude assures you the friendship of your colleagues. You excel in the domains of justice, teaching and any kind of social work.

You have no talent for speculation but the idea of not having money terrifies you. It's not that you are a spendthrift, but you want very much to assure the comfort and happiness of your home. Happily, you know how to sniff out good deals and find the truffles under the trees. If a business deal is honest, you know how to bring it to a close and harvest the fruit. If not, you prefer to tighten your belt rather than be in bad company.

When you love it is for life. But you have a hard time finding the right person right away and can easily wander the streets alone like a beaten down dog. After looking for a long time you may find the love you have so desperately been looking for - you get what you want by never letting up on your pursuit, showering those you love with presents and giving lots of licks! You know how to make someone attached to you. You are made for family life. You are faithful, helpful and your pessimism often brings you surprises. To seduce you, the person in your life should caress you in the direction of your fur and speak of the eternal love they have for you.

The Dog in the Year of the Snake: Insight and Change A year of equal prosperity and challenge is ahead for the Dog. Your love for hard work and dedication will serve you well. The Snake Year will certainly see Dogs rise up the ladder and increase their abundance. Further, your innate thrift will be even stronger seeing a tidy sum tucked away for leaner times in the future.

The Year of the Snake will bring out far more superficial and casual inclinations in those around you. In social interactions, you will find yourself repeatedly challenged with two decisions: You can either spend your time frustrated and agitated or you can open your mind to the experience of short-term engagements. The latter allows you the opportunity to learn more about the benefits that can be had from shorter encounters with others and you may be very surprised at how much knowledge there is in moments of sharing.

Your stubbornness can get the best of you in this year, if you aren't mindful of it. If you want to get along better, you will need to practice compromise. The same will apply when it comes to any selfish inclinations, as many will insist on having their dues. Don't be surprised if your thoughts turn towards the more spiritual and intuitive throughout the year as this is a big part of the Snake's influence. While your mind and back are often renowned for strength, areas of the spirit and heart can be weaker. This offers you another opportunity to growth and expansion. One thing is certain - you will be a different person at the end of this year than when you entered it!


FALL is your season.
NOVEMBER is your month.

Honest and upright, you advance in life like a tranquil bulldozer. You hate lies, hypocrites and artifice. If you do something bad you feel terrible and guilty about it for a long time after the fact. For your family and friends you are generous and helpful. Sometimes you are even a little bit too generous because you don't know how to say no: people don't hesitate taking advantage of your good nature. Underneath your exterior hides a ferocious determination for your inner codes to be respected. Nobody can impose their will on you unless you decide to let them. You make your decisions and take responsibility for your failures in private. You don't blame others for your mistakes. When there is a conflict, you take cover until the storm has passed. You may be criticized by others for preferring to run rather than fight but raised voices, fights and power games revile you. If your back is against the wall with no escape possible you become a daunting and violent adversary. Behind your apparent good nature you hide your hypersensitivity and soul of a gambler. You love to experience all the pleasures that life has to offer to a maximum. Your sensuality and your taste for pleasure make you an expert in love - especially physical love. Your only risk is falling into lustful ways!

You love to work and want to succeed in your professional life but not at any price. You refuse to compete, to be opportunistic and to make deals under the table. You want to be recognized for your talent and competence, and won't resort to political intrigue. So you are not always a diplomat and prefer leaving a business meeting by slamming the door rather than approve an unsound project. You will gladly spend more time on your personal rather than professional life, unless you are your own boss. In this case, you won't count the hours and will see your projects through to the end.

The Pig symbolizes material wealth in China so you rarely lack money. Your love of pleasure contributes to turning you into a big spender but you are above all, very generous. You love to have friends for dinner, give your friends presents and take your family on sumptuous trips. A cultivated aesthete, you love to invest in beautiful objects and dream of having a library as wonderful as the one of ancient Alexandria. Sometimes you just can't pass up a work of art or rare book. Still, money doesn't seem to matter to you. Even if you were a billionaire, you would probably continue to drive a beetle!

You are in love with love in all its forms : tender caresses, romantic gestures, sensuous meals and wild sex. Although you are faithful in love, you are very possessive and jealous. To be happy, you need a curious cocktail of solitary moments coupled with moments of tenderness and wild passion. You love it when your partner shows their continuing passion and infinite love for you in public. To seduce you, your partner must say yes to everything, especially to the pleasures in life which they will be able to fully partake of in your company!

The Pig (Boar) in the Year of the Snake: Emotional Challenge and Education The slower, more peaceful pace of this Snake year will suit you, dear Pig. You may well be hoping for a little rest after the high tone of the Dragon year and while you can be sure to enjoy times like this, there will be other times that will undoubtedly prove challenging for you. The Boar does not usually bode well with the Snake according to the Chinese zodiac. This will be especially obvious where relationships are concerned. Your generous nature is commendable but you will be wise to be on guard when it comes to doling out time and money. The Year of the Snake will give rise to those that would prey on your kind and gentle heart, not to mention your pocketbook.

When it comes to love this year, don't expect a lot from a potential mate. In Snake Years many will be far more inclined to enjoying short flings than engaging in anything long-term. This can prove tough for you given your love of romance and commitment but hang in there. Everything will be as it is meant to be - it just might not be the year for finding your soul mate.

Keep a steady pace when it comes to your career ambitions. While results can be gradual this year, the rewards for dedication are great. If you keep yourself focused on your work, money will flow freely for you. This is a wonderful year for you to increase your knowledge through study and education. While ignorance may be bliss for some, you will definitely enjoy knowing more and expanding your mind.

The Chinese Calendar
1900 - 2020
01/31/1900 to 02/18/1901 METAL 02/18/1912 to 02/05/1913 WATER 02/05/1924 to 01/24/1925 WOOD 01/24/1936 to 02/10/1937 FIRE 02/10/1948 to 01/28/1949 EARTH 01/28/1960 to 02/14/1961 METAL 02/15/1972 to 02/02/1973 WATER 02/02/1984 to 02/19/1985 WOOD 02/19/1996 to 02/06/1997 FIRE 02/07/2008 to 01/25/2009 EARTH
02/19/1901 to 02/07/1902 METAL 02/06/1913 to 01/25/1914 WATER 01/25/1925 to 02/12/1926 WOOD 02/11/1937 to 01/30/1938 FIRE 01/29/1949 to 02/16/1950 EARTH 02/15/1961 to 02/04/1962 METAL 02/03/1973 to 01/22/1974 WATER 02/20/1985 to 02/08/1986 WOOD 02/07/1997 to 01/27/1998 FIRE 01/26/2009 to 02/13/2010 EARTH
02/08/1902 to 01/28/1903 WATER 01/26/1914 to 02/13/1915 WOOD 02/13/1926 to 02/01/1927 FIRE 01/31/1938 to 02/18/1939 EARTH 02/17/1950 to 02/05/1951 METAL 02/05/1962 to 01/24/1963 WATER 01/23/1974 to 02/10/1975 WOOD 02/09/1986 to 01/28/1987 FIRE 01/28/1998 to 02/15/1999 EARTH 02/14/2010 to 02/02/2011 METAL
01/29/1903 to 02/15/1904 WATER 02/14/1915 to 02/02/1916 WOOD 02/02/1927 to 01/22/1928 FIRE 02/19/1939 to 02/07/1940 EARTH 02/06/1951 to 01/26/1952 METAL 01/25/1963 to 02/12/1964 WATER 02/11/1975 to 01/30/1976 WOOD 01/29/1987 to 02/16/1988 FIRE 02/16/1999 to 02/04/2000 EARTH 02/03/2011 to 01/22/2012 METAL
02/19/1904 to 02/03/1905 WOOD 02/03/1916 to 01/22/1917 FIRE 01/23/1928 to 02/09/1929 EARTH 02/08/1940 to 01/26/1941 METAL 01/27/1952 to 02/13/1953 WATER 02/13/1964 to 02/01/1965 WOOD 01/31/1976 to 02/17/1977 FIRE 02/17/1988 to 02/05/1989 EARTH 02/05/2000 to 01/23/2001 METAL 01/23/2012 to 02/09/2013 WATER
02/04/1905 to 01/24/1906 WOOD 01/23/1917 to 02/10/1918 FIRE 02/10/1929 to 01/29/1930 EARTH 01/27/1941 to 02/14/1942 METAL 02/14/1953 to 02/02/1954 WATER 02/02/1965 to 01/20/1966 WOOD 02/18/1977 to 02/06/1978 FIRE 02/06/1989 to 01/26/1990 EARTH 01/24/2001 to 02/11/2002 METAL 02/10/2013 to 01/30/2014 WATER
01/25/1906 to 02/12/1907 FIRE 02/11/1918 to 01/31/1919 EARTH 01/30/1930 to 02/16/1931 METAL 02/15/1942 to 02/04/1943 WATER 02/03/1954 to 01/23/1955 WOOD 01/21/1966 to 02/08/1967 FIRE 02/07/1978 to 01/27/1979 EARTH 01/27/1990 to 02/14/1991 METAL 02/12/2002 to 01/31/2003 WATER 01/31/2014 to 02/18/2015 WOOD
02/13/1907 to 02/01/1908 FIRE 02/01/1919 to 02/19/1920 EARTH 02/17/1931 to 02/05/1932 METAL 02/05/1943 to 01/24/1944 WATER 01/24/1955 to 02/11/1956 WOOD 02/09/1967 to 01/29/1968 FIRE 01/28/1979 to 02/15/1980 EARTH 02/15/1991 to 02/03/1992 METAL 02/01/2003 to 01/21/2004 WATER 02/19/2015 to 02/07/2016 WOOD
02/02/1908 to 01/21/1909 EARTH 02/20/1920 to 02/07/1921 METAL 02/06/1932 to 01/25/1933 WATER 01/25/1944 to 02/12/1945 WOOD 02/12/1956 to 01/30/1957 FIRE 01/29/1968 to 02/16/1969 EARTH 02/16/1980 to 02/04/1981 METAL 02/04/1992 to 01/22/1993 WATER 01/22/2004 to 02/08/2005 WOOD 02/08/2016 to 01/27/2017 FIRE
01/22/1909 to 02/09/1910 EARTH 02/08/1921 to 01/27/1922 METAL 01/26/1933 to 02/13/1934 WATER 02/13/1945 to 02/01/1946 WOOD 01/31/1957 to 02/17/1958 FIRE 02/17/1969 to 02/05/1970 EARTH 02/05/1981 to 01/24/1982 METAL 01/23/1993 to 02/09/1994 WATER 02/09/2005 to 01/28/2006 WOOD 01/28/2017 to 02/15/2018 FIRE
02/10/1910 to 01/29/1911 METAL 01/28/1922 to 02/15/1923 WATER 02/14/1934 to 02/03/1935 WOOD 02/02/1946 to 01/21/1947 FIRE 02/18/1958 to 02/07/1959 EARTH 02/06/1970 to 01/26/1971 METAL 01/25/1982 to 02/12/1983 WATER 02/10/1994 to 01/30/1995 WOOD 01/29/2006 to 02/17/2007 FIRE 02/16/2018 to 02/04/2019 EARTH
01/30/1911 to 02/17/1912 METAL 02/16/1923 to 02/04/1924 WATER 02/04/1935 to 01/23/1936 WOOD 01/22/1947 to 02/09/1948 FIRE 02/08/1959 to 01/27/1960 EARTH 01/27/1971 to 02/14/1972 METAL 02/13/1983 to 02/01/1984 WATER 01/31/1995 to 02/18/1996 WOOD 02/18/2007 to 02/06/2008 FIRE 02/05/2019 to 01/24/2020 EARTH
Chinese Ascendant Sign
If you were born between the hours of
11 P.M. to 1 A.M.Rat
1 A.M. to 3 A.M.Ox
3 A.M. to 5 A.M.Tiger
5 A.M. to 7 A.M. Rabbit
7 A.M. to 9 A.M.Dragon
9 A.M. to 11 A.M.Snake
11 A.M. to 1 P.M. Horse
1 P.M. to 3 P.M.Sheep
3 P.M. to 5 P.M.Monkey
5 P.M. to 7 P.M.Rooster
7 P.M. to 9 P.M.Dog
9 P.M. to 11 P.M.Boar

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