Wow, Now, Now
( Mansour, Spotaz )

"Jammin in the Parking Lot"
© 1988, 2001 Shadows in the Sun Musicworks Ltd.
Words n Music by Mattley n Spotaz

"Wow, Now, Now"

remember that time wax lily's smackin sally
dazi hazin hunky dory n big teazin in the alley
well, someone's been mean n nasty to her
sneerin down her dreams - wasn't actin like they knew her
wow now now - wow now now - wow now now

tan santa scammin charlie dealin rozie with a vengeance
stagecoach racers spooky mama under bridges
dudes on ludes were cringin for her
seven broken dreams - yeah, n seven busted dreamers
wow now now - wow now now - wow now now

~ Story ~

This tune came about spontaneously when me n me buddy Mattley were haingin out about every day. We were goin to electronics school together, n would carpool alot. One time, parked in the parking lot of a local park, I had me acoustic, n he had his harp. The acoustic in question actually usedta be his ~ but I adopted it after about 40 bux in gas money ....... =oP

Mattley named the tune, after the chorus riffs, n got a big kick out of it every time we jammed it. Obviously, the tune calls for a massive mega harp accompaniemnet solo riff lick thingy ~ we'll hafta pressure him ....... ;o)

The lyrics came much later, n slowly, started out with a few joke band names that ended up as Shadows tune titles ~ but I finished em up with the rest of the list, n added a couple real band names ~ Dudes on Ludes n The Cringe ~ n also, there was this one time we all got busted partyin in the park ....... ;oP

So basically, it's a tribute to me hippie post adolescense traumatic era, sans proper guidance. See also Burn My Flag for other similar type tunes from the same era ....... ;o)

 Burn My Flag