Nacho Cheese Dip
( Captain, Spotaz )

"Sidedish Solo Quest for Nippleheads"
© 1993-2002 Shadows in the Sun Musicworks Ltd.
Music by Captain n Spotaz

~ Story ~

This tune was a few groovy chords strummed out by this dude I was once in a pre bandwidth band with, that I put a bass line to n mostly forgot ~ highly derivative of Wild Night by Van Morrisson, which had just been redone by John Mellencamp, so it was prolly subliminal n unconscious. I added the short chorus bridge line thingy whatever to sorta break it up n round it out ~ he liked it, so we kept it ....... ;o)

I had known the dude for years, (Kevin, aka Captain, Kevin, Zoid, etc) ~ we knew alotta the same people, n roadied for the same bands, but we never jammed together until the mid 90s when he got a job as an MC at a local bar, hosting jam nites ~ all he needed was a band, so I sat in with him for awhile, for a couple bux. We didn't really know a whole lotta the same tunes, but we soon met a drummer passin thru with another band, n Dudes on Ludes was born. Later, we changed our name to The Cringe, and we eventually got a list up of about 15 tunes, including two of Zoid's originals ....... =oP

See also Die Young for further grooviness ala the original Zoid ~ n the virtual album Burn My Flag for other similar type tunes from the same era ....... ;o)

 Burn My Flag