HEX is a game of skill and strategy for 3 players, or TEAMS 
- and is played on a multicolored HEX board
with multisided dice for pieces

the GOLD HEX in the center is a SUN or STAR
and is surrounded by WORLDS of LAND, SEA and AIR
together, these 7 HEX make a SYSTEM

LAND, SEA, AIR and SUN HEXES ..... are EARTH, WATER, WIND and FIRE ELEMENTS WORLD HEX are numbered 1 thru 6 - and all SUNS have a value of 7 - thus each ELEMENT is balanced within a SYSTEM, with a total value of 7 each
7 SYSTEMS make a CONSTELLATION 7 STARS, 42 WORLDS - 49 HEX in all, not including SPACE 7 CONSTELLATIONS in the entire board STARS within a CONSTELLATION are designated ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA, DELTA, EPSILON and ZETA upper case for the CENTER CONSTELLATION lower case for outer CONSTELLATIONS - throughout the board, capitals have dominace over lower case the SPACE between systems is designated ETA, THETA, IOTA, KAPPA, LAMBDA and MU - upper case for INNER SPACE - lower case for OUTER SPACE the CENTER SYSTEM WORLDS are designated with lower case NU, XI, OMICRON, PI, RHO and SIGMA corresponding to the CENTER STARS of the outer CONSTELLATIONS - in capitals, for which those CONSTELLATIONS are named for the rest of the Greek Alphabet, TAU, UPSILON, PHI, CHI, PSI and OMEGA the pink HEX are NEBULAE, and upper case the purple HEX are BLACK HOLES, and lower case SPACE surrounding a NEBULA is known as OPEN SPACE - the entire area acting as a single HEX, which several pieces may occupy SPACE surrounding BLACK HOLES is known as DEEP SPACE - and the same rule applies together, these 2 regions comprise a SECTOR - and there are 6 SECTORS on the whole board
4, 6, 8, 10 and 20 sided dice are the pieces in HEX - and this is the starting set and configuration - there's also 12 sided dice, but not at first
the KING, a 20 sided die, may move one hex in any direction, just like a KING in chess if his path is blocked by another piece, they may duel - by rolling - until the opponent is either defeated, or moves ..... or he must choose another direction the KING is the most powerful of pieces having a maximum value of 20 twice that of the QUEEN, a 10 sided die, (the only asymetrical piece, the rest are platonic solids) the QUEEN is also like her chess counterpart she may move any distance in any single direction - regardless of her current face value - her only obstacle is another piece in her path she may choose to go around but it might be just as quick to duel her opponent and be done with it the KING and QUEEN are royalty, but ..... most of the dice on the board will be 8 sided ACES and 6 sided JACKS ACES and JACKS are the footsoldiers - like Knights, Rooks and Pawns in Chess ACES move on connecting hex - up to face value - thus, if an ACE'S face value is at its full 8 - he may move up to 8 hexes in all - avoiding SUNS but they may land on SUNS and be SAFE from attack, though they may attack another piece ACE lands on a SUN, the move is done same with SPACE, though they are not SAFE there - and an entire move to get out JACKS, too, are stopped by SPACE - where they are SAFE, but may not ATTACK - also an entire move to get out 6 sided JACKS move up to face value in any one direction - but may not land on SUNS - though they may pass through them freely JOKERS may Teleport, or JUMP, as all or part of their move with a maximum move of 4, they still get around - a JUMP may occur within a CONSTELLATION or a neighboring CONSTELLATIONS between hexes of like designation - from one Sigma STAR to another - or from one Beta STAR to another 4 sided JOKERS and 12 sided DEUCES are considered the wildcards DEUCES are like Bishops - but they move in VECTORS - they may change direction in mid move, as many times as they like (up to face value hex total) and are not impeded by SUNS or any single SPACE hex - but are stopped by a second ..... though they easily get out and may also STARHOP as part of their move - to any neighboring SUN with a maximum move of 12, they have a linear range of up to 4 SYSTEMS - but may also STARHOP correspondingly, like JOKERS, as any part of their move BLACK HOLES instantly teleport any piece to the corresponding NEBULA - but DEUCES may choose which NEBULA to reappear in - and continue on STARHOPPING, or not, as she likes so, to review ..... so, to review ..... KING - one hex, any direction QUEEN - infinite hex, any direction each, regardless of current face value ACES move on connecting hex (up to face value), may only land on SUNS JACKS move in a straight line (up to face value), may only pass through SUNS together, ACES and JACKS occupy SYSTEMS, and defend CONSTELLATIONS DEUCES have a wider range, but JOKERS are more versatile
this is the set you start with
2 JACKS and

ultimately, a total of 21 pieces are possible
5 ACES and
you will need to achieve and maintain this FULL POPULATION in order to win the game - or proceed to the next level of play, but that's another story altogether
4 6 8 10 12 20
Joker Jack Ace Queen Deuce King
Primaryd 20Kingone hex11most important
d 10Queeninfinite hex12most powerful
Secondaryd 8Aceone jump25best for defense
d 6Jackdice jump26best for attack
Speciald 4Jokerteleports14special saves
d 12Deuceaccompanies-3mating, reproduction